NEW – PAL SPME Fibers for Combi PAL Autosampler, xt-PAL and PAL3

The SPME-Technique has become a very common solvent free extraction method in gas chromatography and not to forget the fully automated version with use of the CTC PAL-autosampler, e.g. the CTC Combi PAL, xt-PAL and the new PAL3 generation RSI and RTC.

  • Now different SPME fibers are available from the manfacturer of the Combi PAL. The PAL SPME Fiber assortment and the range of applications will be constantly expanded and developed. All PAL SPME fibers have a standard length of 10mm length and the core material is Fused Silica.
  • In order to implement the SPME technique with the above mentioned CTC autosamplers, a dedicated SPME Option is required together with the CHROMTECH "Single Magnet Mixer“ (SMM) or CTC PAL Agitator.
  • The new PAL SPME fibers are now available at CHROMTECH.
  • Ask for theSPME/ SMM system kit.
SPME Fiber Selection Set of 5 fibers
SMM - Single Magnet Mixer for SPME




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