Ice Star with ThermoTray

Chromtech Ice Star/ThermoTray - Universal Peltier Cooler runs the TermoTray

Chromtech's Ice Star is a universal peltier cooler with no need of any external cooling media.

Combined with ThermoTray, Ice Star cools down samples to 20°C below ambient temperature, i.e. 0°C sample at 20°C room temperature.

The ThermoTray option converts your PAL Trayholder into a powerful sample cooler. Several ThermoTrays may be connected to a single Ice Star!



Upgrades standard PAL Trayholders

Ice Star with ThermoTray

Ice Star with ThermoTray

This team turns your PAL into a sample cooler

Ice Star Controler

Ice Star Controler

Cools down a ThermoTray to 20°C below ambient temperature


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