PAL classic


The PAL classic series are so-called cpo (certified pre-owned) PAL samplers from the manufacturer CTC Analytics, which were already in use by a previous owner and are now renewed and for sale at CHROMTECH.

In most cases, these PALs have already been sold by CHROMTECH as new devices, regularly serviced and now, for various reasons, taken in as payment for new analytical systems


After the housing parts have been completely disassembled, cleaned and powder-coated, the devices are reassembled and brought up to the latest technical standards.

The devices then go through a complex test procedure, which ensures long-term, trouble-free operation and therefore enables a guarantee period of 12 months for new devices.

Integration into common chromatography data systems is possible, which is why the PALclassic samplers can also be combined with new GC, GC/MS or LC, LC/MS data systems.



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