Top 5
PAL System: The new PAL3 Generation RTC and RSI
... RTC meaning "Robotic Tool Change"

PAL RTC - A Fully Automated Prep and Load System
- Unprecedented precision and repeatability
- Analytical flexibility with one instrument
- 24/7 fully unattended operation
- Robotic change between Liquid, Headspace and SPME Methods
- For sample preprarations with need for different syringe sizes during dilution, derivatisation and injection, SPE solutions
- Use of multiple SPME fibers for method development
- Highly variable volume range for injection by the use of different syringes
- PC Sample Control - Intelligent Automation for Sample Preperation with Chronos software
- Supported CDS and MS-Data Systems: Analyst, ChemStation, Chromcard, ChromPerfect, ChromQuest, Clarity, Empower2, EZChrom, MassHunter for GC/MS, QuanLab und Xcalibur
- More info: view "download brochure" at page bottom.
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PAL RTC xtended x-axis with Park Station, Tray Holder,
Stack,Standard Wash Module and Agitator

PAL RTC standard x-axis with Park Station, Peltier Stack 6DW,
Fast Wash Module and four Valve Modules.

The PAL RTC with Robotic Tool Change is the logical (r)evolution of the successful PAL product line. Sample prep prior to Chromatography is no longer the bottleneck – Automate your sample preparation and sample injection - all in the PAL RTC.
The new PAL RTC is a robotic platform for efficient automated sample preparation steps. With the robotic tool change the PAL RTC increases productivity and widens the application range by using up to six different syringe types even in single cycle. The autosampler changes between Liquid Injection, Headspace and SPME methods within one sample list and without the need of manual operationin less than 30 seconds. The optional Vortex Mixer and different syringe volumes are the door opener to automate your sample preparation steps.
Liquid-liquid-extraction, derivatisations, standard addition and dilution by hand is no longer required – with the PAL RTC you choose the right tool for your needs.
The PAL RTC is controlled by the unique PAL Sample Control software. It is applicable with more than ten major CDS and MS-Data Systems.
The possibilities are endless – the limit is your imagination.
RTC Features
Robotic Tool Change - increases laboratory productivity and widens application range by using up to six different syringe types even in single cycle.
Increased vial capacity - extended working range for y-axis enables processing up to 100% more sample in a single tray holder.
Bottom sensing - allows reliable aspirations of small sample volumes even out of a few microliter samples.
Position detection - definable z-tolerance for detection of correct injector position or missing vials.
Cold needle injection - faster GC injection times down to 100ms.
Vortex mixer - efficient mixing during liquid homogenization and extraction steps.
- Park Station for up to three injection tools
- Installation of up to 2 Park Stations on one PAL RTC
- Process safety by tool recognition and position control
- Designed for automated screening using different fibers with multiple tools
The unique Park Station allows a robotic tool change (syringes with different volumes or different tool types) for advanced sample preparation, liquid handling (dilutions), derivatisation steps or any other time consuming repetitive step. The additional versatility in combination with the increased volume range are significant benefits and allow the definition of flexible tailor-made automation processes.
Liquid Syringe Tool
- Supports 57mm or 85mm syringe needle lengths.
- Syringes available: 1.2µ / 5µl / 10µl /100µl / 250µl / 500µl / 1'000µl / 10'000µl
Headspace Tool
- Three different syringe volumes: 1'000µl / 2'500µl / 5'000µl
- Syringe temp. 40°C up to 150°C in 1°C steps
- Syringe flush with inert gas flow through X-Y-Z rail
- Magnetic vial transport for 2ml, 10ml and 20ml vials
- SPME Fiber Conditioning Station (separate Module)
- New SPME holder for increased fiber protection
- Compatible with a variety of SPME fibers
- Easy fiber exchange by hand
- For 10mm or 20mm fiber length
PAL Sample Control is the control software for efficiently automating any sample preparation steps with the PAL RTC robot systems and will be delivered with every system.
Numerous interfaces, for example to Xcalibur, ChemStation, Analyst and MassHunter, guarantee integration into existing chromatography data systems (CDS). The software exchanges data with other systems and controls all of the processes. Based on intelligent time management the software considerably increases the throughput of the analytical systems.
While the analysis is running the next sample preparation is already taking place. The software truly simplifies sample prep by making many of the tasks such as creation of methods or sample lists very easy.
Supported CDS and MS-Data Systems
- Analyst
- ChemStation
- Chromcard
- ChromPerfect
- ChromQuest
- Clarity
- Empower 2
- EZChrom
- MassHunter for GCMS
- QuanLab
- Xcalibur

PAL RTC xtended x-axis with Park Station, Tray Holder,
Stack,Standard Wash Module and Agitator

PAL RTC standard x-axis with Park Station, Peltier Stack 6DW,
Fast Wash Module and four Valve Modules.
