1260 Infinity Binary LC system

More productivity with higher speed, resolution and ultra-sensitivity

Based on the successful 1200 Series Rapid Resolution LC system the new 1260 Infinity Binary LC system delivers faster results with significantly higher data quality. Discover the power of a dramatic increased sensitivity in DAD-based analyses! Discover the power of flat baselines. Discover the power of a pressure of 600 bar! And most important – with full backwards compatibility for your established HPLC and RRLC methods. These major performance improvements are now available at a reduced, HPLC-level price.

  • A maximum pressure of 600 bar to utilize smaller particle size columns for higher resolution and faster separations.
  • Configurable pump delay volume down to 120 ?L together with a flow range up to 5 mL/min at 600 bar provides universal applicability from narrow bore (2.1 mm ID) to standard bore (4.6 mm ID) columns, matching the needs for both LC and LC/MS.
  • New optical design in 1260 Infinity Diode Array Detector – including Agilent Max-Light cartridge flow cell – offers a new level of UV-sensitivity and baseline robustness, and fast spectral acquisition at data rates up to 80 Hz.
  • Ultra sensitivity is achieved through revolutionary Agilent Max-Light cartridge cell with 60 mm optical path length (typically noise: < ± 0.6 µAU/cm).
  • Next generation flow-through design of the 1260 Infinity Autosampler achieves highest precision for both large and small injection volumes without changing sample loops.
  • New CTC LC Sampler HTC-xt / HTS-xt is designed specifically to meet the throughput and reliability demands of critical LC/MS applications, offering lowest carryover with dynamic load and wash (DLW) principle.
  • New pull-out valve drive and user-exchangeable valve heads in the 1290 Infinity Thermostatted Column Compartment boosts usability and paves the way for ultra high-throughput, multi-method and automated method development solutions.
  • Broad range of more than 140 RRHT columns 1.8 µm for wide applicability and easy method transfer.
  • New ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Definition (1.8 µm) LC columns facilitate easy, fast and secure method transfer from HPLC to UHPLC through identical column chemistries.
  • New Lab Advisor software – with intuitive diagnostic and monitor capabilities and alert functions to notify you of problems – helps you manage your lab for best chromatographic quality.
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