PFC-Air Option

Background Informationen

Due to the trend of rapid chromatographic separation techniques, especially in the range of GC-MS and GC-MS/MS, fast cooling rates of PTV injectors are increasingly important.

Even the latest generation of gas chromatographs (e.g. Agilent GC 7890) allow to reduce the GC oven temperature in a relatively short time to the desired starting temperature. However often compressed air-cooled PTV injectors turn up to be the bottleneck, if one wishes to do without the use of additional cryogenic media such as LN2 or LCO2. With compressed air-cooled PTV injectors, only initial temperatures from about 10°C above the oven start temperature can be reached.

Although Peltier-cooled PTV injectors reach initial temperatures of +10°C to +20°C, most manufacturers however, do not mention how much time is necessary to achieve these temperatures!

CHROMTECH has now introduced the new "PFC Air Option" (PTV Fast Cooling) , which is
easy to retrofit on all commercial (compressed-air-cooled) PTV injectors from e.g. Agilent, Gerstel, JAS, ATAS or Bruker.

When starting at a GC oven temperature of 50°C (depending upon the injector type in use), temperatures can be achieved to <5° C within 3 minutes.


Advantages of the "PFC option"

- Can be retrofitted to all standard PTV injector types

- No cryogenic medium such as LN2 or CO2 required!

- Lower temperatures reached as with Peltier PTV injectors in less time

- Higher sample throughput by faster injector cooling




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