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Agilent 5977A Series GC/MSD System
Welcome to the next generation of the industry-proven Agilent MSD...
The Agilent 5977C GC/MSD is a reliable workhorse for environmental impurities and food testing, chemical and forensic and pharmaceutical analysis. With over 50 years of leadership in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, the 5977C single quadrupole GC/MS is built on the legacy of a series of trusted GC/MS instruments.
The new HydroInert source for hydrogen carrier gas not only minimizes disruptions from helium shortages but also improves spectral fidelity, peak shape, and sensitivity when running with hydrogen. The 5977C GC/MSD improve sample throughput and analytical performance, enabling better business outcomes for your lab.
- Extractor Ion Source - The ‘push-pull’ principle of the Extractor Ion Source delivers more ions to the mass analyzer and increases confidence of your trace analysis methods.
- Heated Gold Quadrupole - Agilent’s proprietary heated Gold Quadrupole is unique in so many ways. The quartz, hyperbolic monolithic is the only mass filter that can be heated to 200°C without loss of resolution or mass accuracy. At the higher operation temperature, the analyzer bakes out quickly and stays clean--even with complex, high boiling samples.
- Triple-Axis Detector (TAD) - The novel TAD design further optimizes Signal-to-Noise through the combination of efficient ion collection and amplification by the triple-channel electron multiplier (EM) and the elimination of neutral noise by the doubly off-axis position of the HED-EM.
- GCMSD MassHunter with MSD ChemStation Data Analysis - Unified GC/MS acquisition for your Agilent 5977 and 5975 Series GC/MSD, 7000 Series GC/Triple Quad, 7200 GC/Q-TOF, and Agilent 7980 series GC. Supports the MassHunter data analysis workflow for all instruments and the classic MSD ChemStation workflows for your GC/MSD and GC only operation. MSD ChemStation Data Analysis mode provides the latest iteration of MSD ChemStation, with all the capabilities and features you expect from your Agilent GC/MSD, including DRS.
- Integrated GC-MSD Communication - The 7890B GC and 5977A MSD ‘talk’ continuously and fully ‘understand’ each other’s status. They form a perfectly unified system that supports the highest productivity for your laboratory.
- Sleep/Wake mode: In Sleep mode, your electric costs are reduced by 40%. The System Schedule will wake and ready the GC/MSD before the start of your next work day or shift.
- Programmable Helium Conservation Module - reduces helium consumption for GC and GC/MS systems by changing an alternate carrier during system stand-by. Users program carrier gas changeover and flows during sleep and wake states. Programmable helium conservation eliminates the revalidation of methods required when converting to alternate carrier gases.
- Fast vent: Cool down time is reduced by 40% for quick maintenance procedures.
- Safety Protection: If MSD shuts down unexpectedly, GC gas flow is automatically terminated. This ensures safe operation with hydrogen and eliminates waste of costly helium carrier gas.
Twistorr 304 FS Turbo Molecular Pump - Optimized for light gas (helium, hydrogen) with Agilent reliability and quality.